Voki. Favourite Things.
This is an innovation way to improve and practice listening skill.
You can use it for introduce an activity " favourite things", answer with other similar, and other things that you can imagine.
domingo, 2 de junio de 2013
lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013
Wild Animals Crossword
Wild Animals Crosswords
Across 3. I live in the ocean and I want to eat Nemo. 4. I´m black and I have eight legs. I can make a web. 6. Winnie the Pooh's friend. 7. He is the king of the jungle 8. When I shout it seems that I´m laughing. Down 1. I´m Kha, a reptile who is slithering all day long. 2. I appear in a TV series where I am pink. 5. I´m a little carnivorous fish and I live in the river.
jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013
Safety online. Cartoon
Do you really have a private life online? A
few young people know about the dangers of the improper use of websites for
social networking.
This cartoon depicts an adult conversation
about social networks and people’s online privacy. I really recommend you this
video. From my point of view, elder pupils should be shown it. Hope you like it.
domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013
Lyrics " In the jungle"
want to share this video with you because I think it’s very fun and useful in
order to practise the listening and speaking skills in class. Moreover, I love
you like it and also have lots of fun. Remember that learning and teaching
English is always very exciting!
Power point. Farm.
In this link, you can find a power point about Farm and animals that live in it. You can work reading and speaking skills, and know new vocabulary about this topic. Hope you like it!

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013
The body and commands
to this song, we can help our pupils to develop some English learning skills,
such as listening and speaking, by singing, dancing and playing. They may learn
some vocabulary about the parts of the body and some easy commands (Total Physical Responses).
having worked on the song, we may play another game. The teacher says a part of
the body together with a command, and the pupils have to perform it as in the
song. I think this is a very fun and entertaining activity.
Student Engagement & Motivation Strategies & Tips.wmv
I have found this video on the Internet. In my opinion, I think it is very interesting in order to motivate and engage our students when learning English.
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